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Premier Rails handrails feature a stylish range of satin-anodized aluminum finishes, ideal for use in both indoor and outdoor settings. For a cozy, natural wood look indoors, the TrueWood™ finish stands out as a premium option. With a genuine Oak or Walnut veneer, TrueWood™ combines the timeless beauty of real wood with the robust durability of an aluminum core.


Premier Rails handrails are designed for quick and effortless installation, thanks to their modular components and innovative mounting system. Say goodbye to the challenges of custom fabrication—adjustable bends and brackets snap securely into place in moments. No specialized tools or expertise are needed, even for large-scale projects.

Our experts can provide On site or remote training for all types of projects whether big or small.


Sprocketlock™ Bracket
The Sprocketlock™ Bracket, shown on the far left, is designed for secure and easy installation. It comes with a single lag bolt for wood studs and includes an alternative fastener for other wall types. Once assembled, the Sprocketlock™ locks firmly into the railing channel, with the attachment screw completely concealed for a sleek, finished look.

Pivoting Bracket
The Pivoting Bracket, displayed on the right, provides versatile and reliable mounting. It attaches to wood studs using the three included screws and features a pivoting mechanism to ensure perfect vertical alignment with wall studs. For other wall materials, the bracket can be installed using wall anchors or alternate fasteners, offering flexibility for various applications.

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